For the first time in my life I have purchased a comforter that: 1) does not have flowers or a scrolly pattern on it, 2) is not pink, and 3) is not "girly looking." I purchased said comforter (whom I am calling Nickel) at Ross's for twenty bucks. Twenty bucks! For a king sized comforter. A Hotel Collection king sized comforter. It almost feels like stealing. A picture of what Nickel resembles is at the end of this post.
Because I haven't completely changed who I am, I am still a big fan of bright colors. The color comes in with the sheets and pillow cases. While I was at the Ross's I picked up some super soft jersey sheets in a cream color (and for eleven dollars to boot!). I also snagged some green pillow cases (that we will not discuss the price of). The green is a bright one. It's like if kelly (kelley?) green and spring green came together. It's a very pretty color and I think I will enjoy waking up to it.
As for my bed skirt, I currently have an orange bed skirt. I have no plans to change it, unless it looks absolutely horrible with Nickel.
Pictures will happen as soon as I get these items out of the backseat of my car and on my bed.
Oh and in other bedding news!: I bought a few packs of black thumbtacks and plan on attacking my headboard with them as soon as I come up with a Plan of Action.
Here's Nickel. It's that color but mine has stripes, not blocks.

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