Thursday, July 9, 2009

Blogs That Bring a Smile to My Face

Let's talk about the blogs I'm loving. A few that always brighten my day are:

Heart of Light - Rachel always has pretty pictures and I love everything she posts. Today is Rachel's one year blogaversary!

[redacted] - Dan (and now Brooke) crack me up on a regular basis. They were living in New York but now they live in Miami. Brooke (Dan's fabulous and very pretty girlfriend) has taken to posting stuff and dare I say, she's funnier then him. Oh and they have a dog named Puppy. Puppy has a British accent and looks like the most chill dog ever.

Young House Love - Sherry and John are adorable! I was on a house tour in the Fan (they live in Richmond!) with my mom and actually saw them. It was very exciting. They were super nice about being attacked by some rambling idiot (me) that kept going on and on about loving their blog. They'll give you a tooth ache, for sure ('cuz they're so sweet).

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